Same day Business Cards in Los Angeles. Fast printing. Professional approach


It’s the nightmare all business people have; an important meeting comes up, only to find out that you’ve run out of cards. Panic ensues, who can you trust to print same day business cards?

Let Axiom Designs help you. Quick turnaround, short run printing is one of our specialties and printing Business Cards in Los Angeles in Same Day are a daily occurrence our print shop.


Digital printing saves the day

Our qualified professionals will handle it as fast as possible. You will be assigned a responsible project manager, who will track your order of printing Business Cards in Los Angeles in Same Day from beginning to the very end: until the handling of product.


Yet most people make the mistake of thinking printed Business Cards in Los Angeles in Same Day are just a vehicle for exchanging contact information. In our digital age, we have the Internet, PDAs and smart phones for that. To get real value from a business card, consider its true potential.

Axiom Design offers seven ways to spiff up your business card so that it collects sales, rather than dust:


  1. Give your card a purpose. Cards that multi-task will be seen far more frequently than your average business card. Turn it into a bookmark, an event ticket, a note card, scratch card or sticker. Make it a conversation piece and your business will automatically become a part of the conversation.
  2. Track it.Include a QR code or SKU on your business card, and whenever you hand it out, give the recipient an incentive like discounts or coupons for checking out your site. This way, you’ll be able to track the rate at which your card compels people to action.
  3. Challenge people.Surprise people with a fun fact or figure on your business card. Think about a Trivial-Pursuit-style question or piece of trivia that applies to your business. Engage and amuse people when they read your card and your business will stand out.
  4. Add credibility with testimonials.Customers relate to other customers. Because of that, testimonials speak volumes. Consider adding a brief quote or link to a quote on the back of your business card. It’s a great way to use valuable space that otherwise goes to waste.
  5. Support a cause.Social impact and business go hand-in-hand these days. Let people know about causes that drive you. Use your card as a vehicle to make a difference, and recipients will gain a better understanding of what drives you as a person and a professional.
  6. Put a face to the name.Consider putting your photo on your card so that people can continue to put a face to your name long after they’ve met you. A photo not only adds to the familiarity of your company’s brand and increases your likeability factor, but paints a picture of you as a person. It also makes you easily recognizable from your competition.
  7. Make the handoff memorable.The physical act of exchanging your card can be more valuable than the card itself. Use it as a conversation starter to better understand where the person’s needs, interests or hobbies lie. As you hand out your card, mention when you will follow up and also reinforce a message about the value of your business.